Hilfe bei Gewalterfahrung
Help with experiences of violence Flagge Großbritannien


Where can I get help?

The Violence against Women Support Hotline

Contactable 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, for free

The Violence against Women Support Hotline advises women affected by all forms of abuse: domestic and sexual abuse, forced marriage, people trafficking and genital mutilation.

Advice is provided anonymously, confidentially and with the help of interpreters in several languages.

The female advisors are qualified experts who are experienced in giving advice to women affected by violence. They provide a psychosocial initial consultation and crisis intervention and arrange contact with a local support institution where required.

Acquaintances, relatives and specialists supporting women can also contact the Support Hotline.

The advisory service is available to anyone seeking help, irrespective of social and ethnic origin, religion as well as sexual orientation and identity.

Talk to us. Together we find answers

How to contact us: 116 016

Information material

You can find and download some of our multilingual information materials – flyers, posters, etc. – here:

  • Flyer „Wo finde ich Hilfe?“
  • Klappflyer „Where can I get help?“
  • Poster „How can I protect us?“

Order our information materials, free of charge, using our online form.

© Hilfetelefon – Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgaben